Fall ’06 Breeding Plans

After a hot summer, we are back to planning for our next litter and field training. Tink is at her normal weight of 54-55 lbs. She put on about 5-6 lbs during her first pregnancy, but she has work it off by now. We’ve been training, the last month, on double mark retrieves, blinds and lining drills. We ran the PVGRC WC test on Saturday and she finally earned the Working Certificate (WC) title, see the upcoming entry in the Field Log for pictures and more details. She is becoming moodier and restless these days which usually happens just before Proestrus. She is due around October 12th +/- 2 weeks.
Everything is in place with the new Vet, Dr. Valeria Rickard, in Leesburg. I transferred the remaining breeding units from Richmond to her facility last month. Dr. Rickard is a reproductive vet specializing in Endoscopic Transcervical Insemination (eTCI), See IVIS Paper. She will be performing the eTCI technique and the traditional surgical AI on Tink for the next breeding. We are performing these techniques to maximize the chances of conception and litter size. During Tink’s initial physical exam, Dr. Rickard took a culture to check for Mycoplasma bacteria and sent the swab to Cornell. They found that she had a vaginal infection of E. Coli and Strep. The Vet put her on a course of antibiotics to get rid of this infection and we’re now back checking for Mycoplasma again. We should get the results in the next few days. It appears that Mycoplasma Bacteria may be related to infertility, early embryonic death, resorption, abortion, stillbirth, or the birth of weak, nonviable pups. Better safe than sorry later I suppose. With all this said, however, Tink appears fine, she is eating well, exercising and demanding as ever.


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