Stitches Removed

Tink’s stitches, from the AI, were removed today. Last Tuesday the Vet had opted to delay removal until Saturday so the swelling around the incision could subside. I have been surprised that Tink has not scratching or licked the area very much. I had visions of her pulling the sutures out on her own. She does not seem to be bothered by the surgery. Last Sunday I did noticed a bump on her leg. I called Dr. Elam and he guessed it was a bruised vein from the several blood draws. After daily heat compress it is now almost gone.

Tink seems more mellow these days. Her possium toy has lasted much longer than any previous one. She’s not tearing the guts out to get to the squeaker. She is sleeping more and eating everything in sight. Her weight is holding steady at 55 lbs for now.


3 Responses to “Stitches Removed”

  1. Ulla Pietarinen Says:

    Great news again!!

    Ferro became nr 3 in the competition the best DP Flatcoated Retriever of 2005 in Sweden! The dog must have good FT results and also good show results. I´m happy and proud about him and today is another happy day! Last time was last weekend a week ago!! :)))

    The winner was wonderful Julia – Almanza Pleasure´N Play. Almanza had two good dogs in the competition. Also dog nr 5 was a Almanza dog named Almanza Billy The Kid.


  2. Peter Says:

    With all the high quality Flat-Coats in Sweden this is truely a great accomplishment for you and Ferro. I hope some of his good genes rub off on the puppies! Congratulations Again!


  3. Ulla Pietarinen Says:


    It is really hard work in our country to get a placing among the 10 best in the competition Flatcoat of the year in Sweden. This wekeend we will probably have a visit from one swedish bitch, if the breeding people in our FRK club says OK. I allways check with them first when it comes to breeding in Sweden. I will let you know!


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