Ultrasound Scheduled

The ultrasound examine is now scheduled for Tuesday March 7th at 6:30pm. I think the wait is harder on me than Tink right now. I’ve been reading about how to feel for puppies. If I lightly feel on either side of her incision I can make out several lumps, like a string of pearls. I counted about five or six distinct bumps. Maybe this is just hopeful thinking on my part.


One Response to “Ultrasound Scheduled”

  1. Ulla Pietarinen Says:


    Now we just have to wait a few days more…! Next tuesday we will know for sure if all work in Sweden and USA turns out in a fine and healthy litter with some beautiful flatcoat puppies. Have patience there is less than a week left before we know something.
    Tinks seems so peaceful in her sleep when watching her on the webcam, I think and hope that it is a good sign!!:))

    All the best to you and Tink!

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