Whelping Day is Here!

Wow, what a day! The event started Friday evening when Wendy’s body temperature drop of 1.2 deg F from the morning reading. Around 10pm, Wendy started nesting in the whelping box. She moved the towels around the inside perimeter of the box and she started digging into the floor.  Around 12:30am she started panting and was very restless for the remainder of the night. In the morning, her temperature had dropped to to 98.5 deg F.She refused food and made multiple trips to the potty to clear out her colon. At around 4pm, after a trip to the potty, she had stringy fluid discharge from her vulva. The cervix plug had come out. At 4;57pm, the first puppy was born and the last, eight, puppy came at 7:59, very unexpectedly, since we only saw seven on the X-Ray. Her is a picture on mom with her litter.

Eight Puppies Born, 4 Male and 4 Female

 The puppies weight ranged from 13 oz for the last one born to 17.6 oz for the first male born. All look heathly and moving about very well.


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