Neverland Puppy Status – Cooper (Blue Boy)


Well my wife and I adopted the “Blue Boy” who now goes by the handle “Cooper”. Coop weighed in at 13.4 lbs at last Friday’s Vet visit and got a clean bill of health. Well two (2) weekends have passed now and Cooper has settling in great. My wife, Anne, and I have enjoyed the antics and cuteness of having a puppy again. (She’s holding the little guy.)

* He knows when we get to the office, where to head (front door) then, when he gets inside, he heads straight to our office. 🙂 * Generally, he sleeps in the office at my feet, most of the day. (See photo) * He comes to his name, on voice, clap or whistle. * He sits on voice command or on hand signal. (Seriously, I was impressed) * Stays on command (for a moment anyway) and releases upon command. I use this to control the feedings. * Several fetches have gone great. No problems. * Barks when he needs to go outside to poop! (Thank God for that one!) * He has had a few accidents w/ peeing, but most were my fault. (Attention span is like a gnat and I was on the phone once.) * Gets along great w/ Tucker (our 10 year old Black Lab) and they’ve started playing a bit more each day. * The only problem that he has is with the “other” little puppy that “lives” in the house. He CAN NOT STAND that puppy! Barks, growls and tries to sneak up on him and attack, but, runs away when that puppy also charges back at him. At 4:42AM this morning, I heard a growl from under the bed. Then a couple of barks! I saw Coop looking at the “other” puppy and giving him what for. He charged him head first this morning, but so did the “other” puppy. The banged “heads” knocking both backwards. Ten minutes later, he was stalking the “other” puppy again. I gave up at that point and we went outside for a bathroom break and start the day. We call that “other” puppy, “Mirror”. He’s a Flat Coated Retriever as well. 🙂 * By the way, Coop’s Vet was extremely impressed with the notebook that Pete provided. He said that it was by far the most prepared he’d ever seen anyone on their 1st puppy visit. Thanks again Pete. GREAT job!

Mark L. Jeffress

Anne with Cooper 


Cooper Sleeping in Office 

Cooper at Sit Stay 

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