
Hi Peter- I just wanted to give you an update on Bentley. We took him to the vet yesterday and he is a whopping 19.6lbs! He is growing so fast! He had three of his vaccination shots yesterday and he didn’t even flinch…

He’s been attending some puppy classes, he picks up on things really quick. He now knows “Sit” and “Down” and is learning some self control (he used to jump for joy for food!) and he now has a lot of manners. He sits for his leash, to out the door, when I stop walking, etc.

The vet was really impressed with him, he has such a good personality. He’s pretty calm (of course he has his wild puppy side) and trusting of others. He has met a lot of kids, LOVES them and yesterday he met his first kitten (we happened to find one and was keeping it at the house for a few hours before a friend came to rescue it). He was really good at reading the cat’s attitude towards him. He has met many dogs and is really good with them all… I’m just overall amazed by him!

Here are a few pictures… I’ll keep you posted 🙂

[image: IMG_2209.JPG] [image: IMG_2213.JPG]

Amy J. Robbins

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